Monday, March 30, 2020

Korean Tutor Sydney - Meet the Experts

Korean Tutor Sydney - Meet the ExpertsKorean Tutor Sydney provides quality tutoring for kids of all ages, and are highly qualified instructors. They are experts in teaching English and have been helping kids to become better English speakers since 1992.They also teach children how to communicate with people from many different cultures, and they can help you to develop good communication skills for the English language as well. They will help you pick up the English grammar rules and their use, which will help you to learn it correctly. They also work to help kids to remember important English grammar rules, to avoid any confusion they may encounter while learning English.The program offered at Korean Tutor Sydney is fun and interactive. It helps to keep kids engaged in your lessons, and gives them the opportunity to make some valuable and helpful mistakes. This helps to boost their confidence, and they are more able to work on their mistakes and learn the correct way to correct them .They also work to teach kids the very basic rules of English grammar. These include using past tenses, proper nouns, pronouns, adverbs, etc. These rules are vital to learning the language properly, so that you can become an English speaker. If you do not know how to use these rules properly, you will struggle to understand the rest of the lesson.Korean Tutor Sydney is committed to helping kids to become fluent in English. This means that they provide high quality instruction, ensuring that your kids do not struggle with their lessons, and that they benefit from the way the lesson is being taught.You will have no trouble finding any children or adults to take your class with, as they offer classes all over Australia. They also offer training, and activities for kids, which will help them learn the language. Many parents are delighted when they find out that their kids are learning English through a reputable Korean tutor, as it means that their kids are learning English at home, wit hout having to travel to an English speaking country, or attend one of the many high-end English language schools.You should never hesitate to take a kid on a fun and exciting English lesson. If you want to see your child get better at the language, why not schedule a fun and exciting experience?Korean Tutor Sydney offers easy online registration, so that parents can sign up quickly and easily. They offer a wide range of interesting activities for your kids, to help them develop their English vocabulary and English grammar skills. They will help you enjoy your time with your kids as well, as they will be preparing fun English lessons for you as well!

Friday, March 6, 2020

6 Holiday Comfort Foods That Actually Burn Fat

6 Holiday Comfort Foods That Actually Burn Fat Image via Although the idea of comfort foods is most typically correlated to uber indulgent eats, many of our favorite nostalgic treats are not deep-fried, covered in cheese, or loaded with tons of chocolate and sugar. Surprisingly some of your favorite comfort goodies can actually promote weight loss. This holiday season, it is time for you to rethink your favorite celebratory comfort foods and to actually beat the battle of the holiday bulge with this list of waist-friendly cozy eats. Hot chocolate Image via Hot chocolate is to December what pumpkin spice lattes are to October; it is the holiday drink of choice. Cocoa, which is essentially unsweetened chocolate, is packed with antioxidants, which reduce your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that adheres belly fat to your body. A study from Cornell University found that the concentration of antioxidants in hot chocolate is up to five times greater than it is in black tea. Hot chocolates combination of carbs and protein can also help your muscles recover faster from a tough workout, according to research in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. So the next time that you are craving a cup of hot cocoa, don’t hesitate on allowing yourself this nostalgic treat just be sure to skip on the tiny marshmallows and whipped cream! Collard greens Image via This southern staple veggie seems to pop up all over holiday dinner feasts. Although it’s usually correlated to indulgent festive meals, a single serving of this green only racks up a mere 46 calories. This single serving also packs more than your daily-recommended doses of vitamins A and K, which can strengthen your immune system for a healthy metabolism, says Jonny Bowden, PhD, a nutritionist and the author of The 150 Healthiest  Comfort Foods  on Earth. Coffee Image via A cup of java provides way more benefits than helping you stay awake during your 8 a.m. class (or meeting). The caffeine found in coffee can actually serve to boost your mood and increase your metabolism, thanks to a healthy dose of the antioxidant chlorogenic acid (CGA), which increases your bodys use of fat for energy. Research has also shown that this compound can slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal while lowering insulin resistance to prevent weight gain. Consuming coffee in small doses before exercise can improve performance and help your muscles recover in record time (just be sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before or after your cup of pre-workout coffee). Always be sure to opt for natural sweeteners and low-fat or non-dairy milk in order to keep your cup of joe as lean as possible. Red wine Image via In addition to being a heart helper (and stress reliever), red wine can actually help to prevent against excess weight gain. A study from the University of Ulm in Germany suggests that resveratrol the worshipped antioxidant found in grape skins inhibits the production of fat cells. Moreover, another substance found naturally in red wine called calcium pyruvate helps fat cells burn more energy. So don’t be afraid to drink up, but stick to just one glass each 6-ounce serving contains about 150 calories. Chili Image via There is a reason that broth-based diets have gained recent popularity. Considering the satiating properties of soup and the muscle building power of protein, chili is a dynamic dish that can definitely do your body some good. Chili is the perfect hearty dish to warm up with loved ones during the chillier winter months. The combination of the fiber from the tomatoes and the protein from the beans and beef prevents overeating. In addition, the compound that gives cayenne, chili peppers, and jalapeños their heat (capsaicin) is also renowned for incinerating fat. Mashed sweet potatoes Although they may sometimes earn a bad rep for being high in carbohydrates, consuming sweet potatoes can prevent sugar from getting stored around your waistline as fat. This is because sweet potatoes are high in carotenoids as well as CGA (also found in coffee). These two compounds function to hinder the bodys release of glucose and insulin. Not to mention that sweet potatoes are filled with fiber, which slows digestion and prevents blood sugar from decreasing and resultantly prevents your hunger from spiking. That’s right, no more hanger pains!

Chemistry Tutors Is Important

Chemistry Tutors Is ImportantA chemistry tutor is a person who teaches and mentoring chemistry students through the entire school years. Teaching chemistry involves taking chemistry test and giving homework assignments. Some students also want to pursue other career fields in science and technology but the tutors are there to help them with the preparation and the research materials for the college entrance exams or other exam requirements.He or she takes up basic classes in chemistry, which can be from high school, community college or even colleges. It is important that the students understand and know the chemistry subject. It involves finding the fundamental ingredients of the science as well as its chemical compounds. After learning the basics of the subject, the student can start by working in a laboratory to learn the skills of the whole process.Most students find it hard to complete their college entrance exams due to the lack of knowledge about the subject. Chemistry is one of the sciences that demands a good understanding of the concepts and mechanics. The teacher can help with the preparatory books and can help with the lab work so that the student can get the aptitude for science.Once the student feels ready to do this, then the tutor will help them get the degree and earn some money. However, the work is not complete until the student completes his/her college or master's degree which has some degree to it like PHD, MBA, PhD and others.There are thousands of chemistry tutors in the US who can provide training to your child to prepare for his/her college entrance exams. The information about the tutors can be found online or by the school officials. Usually, the schools to advertise the names of the instructors in the vicinity and ask the parents or children to get the details from them. There are even some online classes that can be of great help to the students who do not have much time to go to school.To find out the chemistry tutors in the area, the students can log on to the website of the school. They can also call the schools and inquire about the list of tutors and the fee they charge. They can also check the directories of schools to see if there are some nearby.The chemistry tutor plays an important role in the life of the student. He can guide the students in different areas and bring them closer to the subject so that they can earn great grades in the class.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Khan Academy Or Organic Chemistry Tutor For Physics

Khan Academy Or Organic Chemistry Tutor For PhysicsThere are many people that ask themselves, do I want to continue my education by enrolling in Khan Academy or an organic chemistry tutor for physics? So many questions have been coming up and it has become so prevalent for a lot of people to be looking for the best option available.The truth is, there are a lot of advantages to enrolling in Khan Academy. In fact, you can get a lot of resources can actually be free. The fact is, you don't have to pay anything in order to learn how to learn physics.They provide great resources such as professional programs, supplemental materials, online courses, labs, videos, interactive classes, games, and much more. It has also provided many opportunities for people to work with kids who aren't as knowledgeable. These are just some of the things that you will get from Khan Academy.If you are looking for a teacher online and have the technology available to you, the internet will be able to help you do that as well. You can work from home from your own computer, you can watch videos that will guide you through these lessons. There are so many benefits that come with Khan Academy and if you really want to become a physicist you will really enjoy it.For some, they believe that joining the organic chemistry tutor for physics will be the best option to begin with. They feel that this will be the way to go in the long run because it is a more valuable resource. If you decide to continue on, you will get the chance to study physics on your own time and schedule as well.It is important to think about what your needs are and what the curriculum will be before you make your decision. Most of these courses can be taken in a convenient day or a couple of days. You are more likely to get in at a time that you are comfortable and that you get the best deal from whatever instructor you will be studying with.You can really start on your journey to learn how to become a physics professor in a matter of days with the help of the organic chemistry tutor for physics. It is a simple way to get in touch with your skills and to have them in a place that you will be comfortable with. There are a lot of benefits that come with the organic chemistry tutor for physics and it is a great place to start on your journey.

The Parts of the Electric Guitar.

The Parts of the Electric Guitar. How Is an Electric Guitar Made? ChaptersThe Making of an Electric Guitar.Making The Body of the GuitarThe Neck of the Guitar - in Four PartsThe Headstock of the GuitarRepairing these parts?The guitar is without a doubt one of the most beloved and played instruments around the world.But what do you actually know about this instrument of such captivating music? And have you ever considered what the electric guitar is composed of?Classical guitar, manouche guitar, folk guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, electric acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric bass guitar, whether brand new or a vintage guitar… Each of these is made of many elements that make it possible for you to “riff”, strum and shred!From its headstock and neck to its body, guitars come to life in factories or in the luthier’s workshop.They might be constructed from a range of wood media: ebony, spruce, cedar, rosewood, mahogany, maple… By the time you come across one, in a custom shop or guitar lessons, it’s all assembled.Nothing left b ut to play it! Maybe take a cue from the book of Eric Clapton or Pink Floyd?But if you’re a guitarist interested in the manufacture of your guitar, read on to discover all that goes into this multi-layered process. What goes into making your Les Paul Traditional, Fender Stratocaster or Gretsch?The major luthiers, or makers of string instruments (violin, ukulele, harp, banjo, mandolin, guitar…), are expertly versed in all the stages of guitar production. They themselves played an important role in the history of the electric guitar.Here is how they carry out their work:This artisanal production begins with the creation of each element. One guitar is composed of a headstock, a body and a neck (with a fingerboard or fret board), a veritable living machine. These individual components might be made of different types of wood (spruce, cedar, mahogany, rosewood, oak, maple…)Once these elements are constructed it’s time to assemble them into a contoured beauty. The guitar takes its familiar shape as each element gets welded together. Sometimes the necks are attached to the body with bolts: these guitars are originally called 'bolt on necks'. The luthier completes the fabrication with an array of adjusting and finishing touches.  The 3rd step consists in the varnishing the wood, and the way this is done will determine the final price of the instrument. It will go through a process of sanding, or a veneer will be applied.Then, the finishing touches are added, including the electronic elements that make the electric guitar, well, electric. These include the guitar pickups - like the humbucker or single coil - all the wiring, the input socket, and the pots for volume and tone.The more advanced the finishing details, the more expensive the guitar will be. And of course, guitars produced artisanally are generally the most high-end: if you want a custom guitar, with your own designed body, cutaway, or guitar parts - prepare to pay through the nose. And this is becau se of the skill and time involved in labor; for instance the ebony artisan must work in a meticulous manner to master all the stages of production (the brace, guitar body, electrics, string tautness, varnish…).You can take online guitar lessons here.The work of the luthier is a veritable art form.And when do pickups come in to this?Making an electric guitar is essentially like installing a system. The mechanics are installed after the third step so as not to varnish each element. Ant the process is completed with the addition of strings!This multifaceted process gives the electric guitar the capacity to achieve a range of sounds and effects.How can one make a guitar oneself?With a little bit of basic knowledge, it’s actually possible to create your own guitar. With the help of a few key tools of course!The mechanic components can be purchased online. You must next find the ideal wood for your instrument. Draw a life-size model of your guitar on paper. This will make it easier to reproduce it in wood.With the help of tools, cut all the elements of the guitar and assemble them together. The last steps are varnishing the finished object with a special product and inserting the mechanics!Some guitar amateurs propose online tutorials that show the step-by-step fabrication of a guitar.You could even invent your own guitar with salvage material  if only you had a breakdown of the guitar to follow. Take a cue from the many brilliant people behind Guitar Box.NeckHere you'll find the fretboard and frets, and it is where the main action of the guitarist happens.BodyHere you'll find the volume pots, the tremolo bar, the pickups, and the bridge.Head, or headstockThis is where you'll find the tuning pegs, mechanics, and the nut.Making The Body of the GuitarVery obviously, one of the essential elements of a guitar is its body. It’s composed of several elements including the hard shell, pickups and the bridge.Here’s a quick overview of all its components…The pickups Without the pickups, it would be impossible to detect the vibrations of the played guitar strings, as it converts them to an electrical signal, and transfers them to your amplifier to project their sound.Two pickups are placed on the body of the guitar:The bass pickup is located in the spot where the sound of the guitar is at its lowest, as its name indicates!The other pickup is placed a few centimeters away. This one is high-pitched.The bridgeThe bridge is a small component situated just next to the pickups, which holds the strings in place.The fastening of the strings varies according to each guitar model.The pickup selector switchOn the body of your guitar, the pickup selector switch allows you to choose between the two pickups, according to what you’d like to play and the effect that you want to make.Certain guitars allow you to use both at the same time.The guitar's body is the most complex part of the guitar making process.The volume controlThis button allows you to choose t he sonic level of your guitar.It gives you the choice between several volumes, a control that you equally have on your amplifier.You have the capacity to turn the sound up very high if you like. All the same, be considerate of your neighbors!The jack outletThis is where you plug the cord to link the guitar to the amp!Watch out for false contacts that can be frequent, preventing you from playing the guitar the way you’d like. So be sure to protect this outlet and its accompanying cable.The strap fastenerThis small connector is placed in the same place as the jack outlet.This allows you to attach a strap to your instrument, so that you can play standing up by resting it on your shoulder. A sure way to imitate your idols!It’s vital that you understand the frame and components of your electric guitar, from the amps to the fretboard, to be able to apply different playing techniques to it!Now that you have an idea of what is on the soundbox, let’s check out what is going on next to the neck.This is where you’ll pluck the strings to play chords or even arpeggios - once you've learned the basics through guitar lessons London, Exeter or Truro.1. SectionsThe neck is divided in compartments.The number of compartments varies according to each guitar. Generally speaking, classical guitars have fewer sections than acoustic or electric guitars.This is where you must place your fingers to play the chords.2. FretsThese little bars determine the limit between two sections.The fingers should be placed close to the fret to pluck the strings correctly and avoid making too much vibration (not everyone is a fan of vibrato…).The neck of the electric guitar doesn’t have to be curved to function well.3. MarkersIt can be a pain to have to always count all the sections to know where to place your fingers.To facilitate the lives of guitarists, most of these instruments have points of identification!This might be dots, squares or triangles, or any other sign. They are often ind icated on the side of the neck, in sections 5 and 7.4. Guitar StringsA neck would obviously be quite useless without strings. Most electric guitars possess six strings: Fender, Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jumbo, Ibanez, Epiphone, Gibson Les Paul, Yamaha, Dean…The first being the lowest, and the last the most high-pitched, the strings exert a pressure on the neck that makes it keep straight. That’s why it’s important to quickly replace broken strings if you don’t want to deform your guitar.You may also come across guitars with twelve strings.The Headstock of the GuitarLastly, we come to the headstock of the guitar. This is the place where you will tune your strings one by one.The mechanicsThe little pegs that allow you to tune the strings by turning them are called mechanics. The more you stretch the guitar’s strings, the more it makes a high-pitched sound.The tuning pegsThe tuning pegs are linked to the mechanics. When changing a string, you’ll pass it through these. To do so, push it inside then turn the mechanic so that the string wraps around the tuning peg.The top end of the guitar holds all the mechanics.The nutThis element plays an important role in the vibration of the strings so you can achieve that perfect tremolo!The nut is placed between the guitar’s headstock and neck. Made from hard nylon, it enables the strings to not vibrate further than the neck.Little holes allow the strings to play correctly.The neck’s reinforcement rodsThe rod that reinforces the straightness and shape of the neck is integrated inside it, and thus isn’t visible.To access and maintain the rod, a screw is accessible at the guitar’s headstock.Do you also know the different types of electric guitars?Repairing these parts?After a certain time, your guitar may begin to show signs of weakness. You can also break your guitar during a moment of bad luck or, in the style of the great Jimi Hendrix, in the heat of the moment on stage.Don’t wait until the damage is ir reversible before taking your guitar to the repair shop!Know that each part of the instrument can be fixed. Unless of course your guitar met its fate in the grinder of a waste disposal…First of all, get a repair diagnosis or get yourself to the luthier. Depending on the scope of repairs needed, the luthier will advise you on whether it’s cost efficient to repair it or to buy another guitar.And if you possess a certain amount of repair knowledge, you can always attempt the job yourself! If you’re up for this challenge, there are a few tools you’ll need to procure, as well as advice that’s accessible online.And that ends our discussion of the guitar’s many components. But this instrument is more complicated yet, and necessitates a range of accessories, such as tuners, spare strings, left-handed playing accessories, single coil, mixing desk, diapason, sound system, sheet music, and tablature, to name a few…Are you ready to learn how to play the electric guitar?

The Piano at a Glance

The Piano at a Glance How is the piano a complete instrument? Chapters The Piano: An Instrument with a Wide Range of Techniques The Piano: An instrument that requires complete concentration The Piano: An Instrument that Improves your Listening and your Dexterity Learning to Play the Piano with Private TutorialsWhen you first start studying music, there are different ways to choose your instrument. Maybe you’ve just liked that particular instrument for a while and quickly decided that you wanted to learn how to play it.Sometimes it’s a case of copying our parents, family members, or friends. In other cases, fashion may dictate what we choose (like with learning to play the guitar in the 70s).It goes without saying, nobody chooses a musical instrument at random and we almost never choose an instrument based on the techniques required to play it.We need to forget misconceptions like:The violin is the hardest instrument to learn.The drums is the most complete instrument because it brings together the other members of the band.Each instrument ha s its own characteristics and techniques.I chose to learn to play piano because I liked it. I thought it looked and sounded beautiful. I’d definitely recommend playing piano to anyone who wants to start learning a musical instrument.Why should you start learning how to play piano? I'm not saying you have to enroll on a piano course immediately. You can play whatever instrument you like. Here are just a few reasons why I think starting piano lessons may be for you...Discover our tips for choosing your ideal piano.From sight reading to fingering and improvisation, there is a wide range of techniques that can be used when playing the piano. Learning piano requires a lot of work from various parts of your body. Parts you can see and parts you can’t.We can clearly see which parts are very useful. However, there are also parts that you wouldn’t think are very useful when you’re just starting out.Can you play piano with just your hands?It may seem like a simple question but it isn' t. Of course, your hands are important when you learn how to play piano but they almost never work alone. To fully appreciate piano playing, you need to also think about the work being done by your eyes, your memory, and your feet, too.Find out what other accessories every pianist needs...Mastering these keys will require a lot of dexterity. (Source: Wallpapers Wide)With that said, let's look at our hands first. Training them includes hard and pure technical exercises. A pianist needs dexterity, speed, and precision and working on these skills will make you better technically. Once a pianist can seamlessly coordinate their hands, eyes, and brain, the hardest job is done. All that’s left is to maintain these skills through practicing regularly.Of course, when you first learn piano, your piano teacher will focus on your hands. However, that'll be just as you get to grips with the accompanying music theory and learning how to read piano music notation.Don't worry, not every piano les sons near me will focus on your hands and how to read music. Once you're reading music and using both your right hand and left hand confidently, you'll start incorporating the other parts of your body, too.We’re going to take a closer look at these and see the role they play in playing the piano. We’re going to look at body parts that many instruments exploit and also body parts that are specific to the piano itself. First we’ll start with the link between your eyes and your brain.When you play a piano or keyboard, your eyes take in visual information from your sheet music, the keys, and your tools and accessories. All this information is then processed by your brain which organizes everything. Learning to play piano requires you to use your brain a lot since every action is coordinated.It doesn’t just involve your physical dexterity at the keys. You also have to read the music and have a sense of rhythm. In fact, you have to train your brain to simultaneously deal with a hu ge amounts of information just to play piano scales or a simple chord.I'd recommend that any piano player train their brain before training their hands. There are plenty of ways to do this but that’s a story for another day. You'll find things very difficult as a musician if you can't read sheet music, for example.Join the discussion: how big is a piano, really?Where do your feet come into it?You can’t talk about how useful your feet are without talking about the pedals. It’s their most obvious function when it comes to playing the piano. You need to train your feet in a particular way to ensure that the piano still sounds beautiful.Coordinating your hands and your feet at the same time can be difficult. This is how playing the piano can be as complicated as playing the drums.We don't mean like this... (Source: CD and LP)When playing the piano, the right foot tends to do most the work as it manages the sustain. It’s tricky. It's hardly surprising that operating the pedals is usually one of the last things we learn how to do when playing the piano.However, there’s another thing our feet do when we play the piano. They can keep time in the absence of a metronome. This is especially useful for beginners and your music teacher will probably encourage it.I’d encourage anyone who’s starting out to tap their foot along with the rhythm. On the one hand, it allows them to focus on their timing. On the other hand, it encourages them to move their feet, which will be useful when the time comes to learning how to play songs using the pedals.Discover everything you need to know about buying a piano... The Piano: An instrument that requires complete concentrationI often say that choosing to play the piano, rather than another hobby or skill (usually sports), teaches the student some important lessons:How important your brain is.How we improve mentally by learning to play the piano.The important important concentration skills we develop by playing the piano.How to concentrate on our hands, on the sheet music, and on the pedals at the same time. This means you have to be able to ignore certain other things.We also learn how to work hard when things get difficult. This is a very important quality in our everyday lives.We also learn to listen and to let things go. Let me give you an example. After a hard day at work, the piano is a great way to relax, unwind, and to think of something else.Isn’t the piano a great way to gain confidence?But of course! Learning the piano, and getting better at it, is great for morale. Playing music for your friends and family is both an enjoyable and rewarding experience. When you're learning music theory and applying it to the songs you love, you’ll feel so proud of yourself.You’ll gain confidence with every success:  you'll get better at remembering melodies and perhaps you'll even learn to play by ear, too. The confidence you gain doesn't just help when it comes to learning music. It can be really use ful in our everyday lives.It's also great for relaxation. Every time you sit yourself down at the keyboard to play a song, you'll feel your daily woes just disappear. Music is great for this kind of thing. Of course, don't forget keep practicing your chord progressions, scales, and arpeggios. You can't just keep playing your favorite tunes just because you've had a bad day!Read our best tips for buying your first piano.Is the piano something you can do as a job?In some cases, yes. Some people focus on this from the second they start learning while others decide to become professional musicians once they’ve got what it takes.A pianist can play in a band, an orchestra, or as a soloist.Composition, which is also part of learning to play the piano, is always a path you can go down.Being a pianist isn't your everyday job. (Source: Classic FM)We should also mention the pianists who decide to pass on what they’ve learned by becoming a teacher. Wanting to share their passion and knowled ge wouldn’t be possible if they weren't skilled musicians. The Piano: An Instrument that Improves your Listening and your DexterityIt’s obvious that the piano is well-rounded instrument. It’d be unfair to say it’s the best musical instrument outright since every instrument is different and unique it seems pointless to compare them.However, if we focus solely on the piano, we can see that it’s a very comprehensive instrument. That’s why we recommend that children learn how to play the piano.When it comes to technical, physical, and mental development, playing the piano gives them an opportunity to develop their listening and concentration skills.  These qualities also are useful when it comes to learning other things.In this sense, whether for professional or personal reasons, the piano is a comprehensive instrument. Whatever your reason for learning is, you have to make sure you enjoy it! Learning to Play the Piano with Private TutorialsPiano lessons are obviously to hel p you to learn to play the piano. In addition to teaching you how to play, your tutor can probably also advise you on which piano you should buy.Your tutor will be crucial when it comes to learning to play the piano. (Source: Piano Lessons)How can the piano change your daily life? Since a piano is such a holistic instrument, it helps us see the bigger picture. It can teach us values and form habits that are easily transferred into our everyday lives.Piano lessons can teach us about more than just the piano. For a tutor, teaching is a huge responsibility that has to be taken seriously. It's their livelihood, which is why you'll almost never find free piano lessons...Do you know need help or advice for buying a piano? Are you worried a piano will cost too much? Never fear, Superprof is here to answer your questions.  how much a piano costs?

Upgrading Your Gear Must-Haves For the Intermediate Guitarist

Upgrading Your Gear Must-Haves For the Intermediate Guitarist Suzy S. Is your guitar gear stage-ready? If youve been playing for a while and youre ready to start performing, your set up might need some upgrades. Follow this guide from guitar teacher Nathan D. and enjoy rocking out   So perhaps youve been playing steadily for a few months to years, and youre taking this whole “guitarist” thing seriously. Maybe you now have a band, and want to start playing out. Theres plenty of necessities to get or upgrade guitar gear as you start to go a bit more pro, and countless sticker-shock options as well. What do you need to know before going on a crazy, card-maxing shopping spree? Ideas For The Road A floppy gig bag will need an upgrade, so definitely buy a hard-shell case to protect your instrument. Consider the hardships of packing your guitar into your tour vehicle and traveling. It will pay for itself after a hard drop out of a van door or trunk, or even a single pass through the TSAs often brutal gauntlet. Buy a few supplies for your case. I keep a spare string winder, a pack of strings, a tuner (or pitch pipe, as they dont need batteries that can leak if left unchecked), and a few extra picks. A pen and some paper wont hurt, either. You never know when youll have to trade info with a promoter and run out of business cards (bar napkins easily get thrown out). If you live in dry climates, I shouldnt even have to tell you to have a humidifier in your guitar case. However, if youre going on tour or vacation, its not the first thing you might think to pack. You dont know what the weather will be from state to state (or continent), so its worth the twenty dollar or more investment. Suggestions For The Active Stage Rocker Consider installing strap-locks onto your instrument, especially if youre in an act that flails around a lot. Be aware of the current size of the strap screws in your instrument. You may be drilling a deeper or wider hole for larger screws to properly secure the locks. Have it done by a pro if you dont want to potentially split your body apart (or ask a reliable carpenter friend). Its not worth putting strap-locks onto a guitar strap that will break at your next practice. Please dont repair your straps with duct tape. If it looks shoddy, get a new one. Also, if you notice that your shoulder gets fatigued after wearing your guitar for an hour, immediately upgrade to a wider strap with some padding. If youre tired of pulling your cable from your amp (regardless of its length), become entangled with mic stands and bandmates, or have ever pulled your amp to have it fall directly onto pavement, you might be a candidate to go wireless. There are budget packages that run for only a couple hundred dollars or less, just check the reviews on your favorite retailers websites. Its incredibly fun to run the full distance possible through or around your audience while playing, whether its an outdoor show or in a bar. Playing With Power Heres the big one: your practice amp probably wont cut it live. Even if a microphone and PA is used in conjunction with it, relying on a tiny, low-watt amp and/or stage monitors doesnt always work out very well. Dont be the player on stage that insists on using a microphone on a 20 watt amp, constantly glaring at the poor sound guy, angrily shooting a finger repeatedly upward, and yelling to crank you up in the stage mix. Youre going to need at least a couple hundred watts to be loud enough. If you cant hear your playing while on stage with drums and other instruments (and actually want to play with a band), youll need a new, more powerful amp. Prepare to shell out several hundred dollars to a grand (or more). Note the differences in buying an all-in-one versus a speaker cabinet setup and separate amplifier (or head unit). You can always upgrade the amp if you buy separate units, but in any case you can always upgrade the speaker(s) down the line. If youre handy, you can also build your own speaker box with plans found online. Dont rule out using a small yet powerful amp to power any speaker box, as my $300 200 Watt ZT Lunchbox (its the size of a lunchbox) is actually powerful enough to power my 4X12” Marshall cabinet. However, its built-in 6.5” speaker actually is enough for me in most small venues. Bring your instrument to the store to try out different amps, dont just go by reviews. You dont want to pay return shipping on a 100 pound amp if you decide to buy online without even trying it in person. Your sound doesnt need compromises, plus your wallet could take a big, non-refundable hit for a simple mistake. When you purchase or construct a new, more powerful amplifier setup, you can always keep your little old amp for low-volume practice, or sell it to a beginner. For more great amps check out this list from Music Skanner. Last Words To You Rockers My final, very important advice is have ear protection. Your ears are your most important organs as a musician. Tinnitus is not fun. Im in my early thirties and I have already started developing it in my left ear, and sometimes it wakes me up at night. Theres plenty of options in foam, rubber, and silicone models that are under twenty dollars. That being said (and hopefully heard), a wide assortment of guitar gear possibilities await you. Has some of that anxiety calmed of what to do next? I hope some of these suggestions help you out. Youre at an exciting stage of being a musician! Keep playing! Nathan D. teaches guitar, bass, drums, and more in North Wales, PA. His specialties include  rock and heavy metal styles, but he teaches every genre.  Learn more about Nathan here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. 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